Colette Slone RMT

Colette Slone
Registered Massage Therapist

Hot Stone Therapy

Hot Stone Therapy

Hot Stone Therapy

What is Hot Stone Massage?

Hot stone therapy involves the therapeutic use of stones that are heated or cooled in water and either massaged over the body with lotion or placed in specific areas.

Hot Stone Therapy is part of an ancient practise of heating stones in water, in the sun or on hot coals and used to ease pain or for the purpose of spiritual rituals.

The stones used in treatment are basalt, derived from cooled lava following volcanic eruptions. Basalt has an excellent ability to retain heat and therefore is ideal for Hot Stone Therapy use.

How It Works

The application of heat to the body causes vasodilation, where the blood vessels and capillaries expand and dilate. This causes increased local blood circulation, sweating and relaxation of muscle tissues. Use of hot stones during treatment can also have a general relaxing effect on the body.  Prior to your treatment, your therapist will discuss your treatment goals with you and offer you the option to include hot stones in your treatment if appropriate.

Uses for Hot Stone Massage

The physical effects of heat application to the body can help assist in treating a variety of musculoskeletal pain conditions including:

  •           Back neck and shoulder muscle tension
  •           Abdominal pain due to menstrual cramping
  •           Joint stiffness due to osteoarthritis
  •           Sciatic pain due to low back and gluteal muscle tension
  •           Cervicogenic (neck-related) headache pain.
  •           General muscle tension due to prolonged sitting or physical activity (DOMS).

Safety Considerations

Generally speaking, the use of hot stones during treatment is safe and the temperature of the stones is kept at a level that will not cause harm. To avoid any risk of burning, the stones can be cooled prior to application, or used over the sheets to protect the skin. Frequent check- ins regarding the temperature of the stones ensures your comfort and safety during the treatment.

Hot stones will not be used if any contraindications to their use exist, including but not limited to:

  •           Fever
  •           Contagious or infections conditions
  •           Unstable hypertension or untreated advanced heart disease
  •           Open lesions or recent burns
  •           Acute flare up of inflammatory condition
  •           Loss of sensation
  •           Metal Implants
  •           Severe intolerance to heat

All stones and equipment used are cleaned before and after use using soap and water and sanitized with approved products. 

Hot Stone Therapy