Colette Slone RMT

Colette Slone
Registered Massage Therapist

Intro to Massage Workshop

Intro to Massage Workshop for Two

Intro to Massage Workshop by Colette RMT

New Workshop Offering: Intro to Massage Workshop for Two

Instructed by: Colette Slone, RMT

About: A 90 minute hands-on learning session about how to apply basic massage techniques to use at home for self-care. Includes a review of safety considerations, general and specific contraindications and use of body mechanics. 

All materials provided. Participants should wear comfortable, lightweight clothing and indoor shoes. 

Location: 2405 Lake Shore Blvd West Suite 405

Cost: $140 plus tax for two people. A $50 deposit is required to reserve your spot. 

Two people are needed per sessions. Couples are welcome, but participants do not need to be romantically involved. 

Now booking on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. 

To Book a Workshop, please e-mail coletteslonermt (at) gmail (dot) com.